The Portrayal Of Cheating In The Film 'Planes'

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Planes, which was made in 2013, contains many of our modern values, and traditions. One of the most common values portrayed in the movie is that cheating does not improve one’s self. Dusty, the underdog, and has entered into the Around the Globe race. But, Ripslinger has also signed up and is the number one plane in the world having won the last two races. He is getting desperate to win this race and the world record of most wins in a row, because Dusty is gaining on him. During one of the races Ripslinger tells one of his minions, “Listen up, it is time to make yourselves useful” (Planes), implying that they need to cheat and do something to Dusty to make sure that he does not make it to the next checkpoint, Hawaii. The plane knocks off Dusty’s