
The Power Of Power In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Everyone longs for success. They desire the acceptance and approval for following their moral compass, being rewarded, and being acknowledged. However, one cannot maintain success without a purposeful and achievable position of power. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller the power of society is bound upon a pronounced hierarchy. Men naturally are deemed as having higher status than women in society. The status of women relies on affiliation by association, their religious status, children, and race, therefore obtaining power proves to be a challenge for many. While Tituba lacks power due to her gender, race, and indentured servitude, she ultimately achieves power by maintaining an alleged alliance with the devil and through pursuing accusations of witchcraft. To begin with, Tituba gains power by instilling fear in the city. During the beginning of the act, the Puritans regard Tituba as powerless and defenseless because of societies racial perceptions. Upon first mention of Tituba’s affiliation with witchcraft Parris responds with utter disbelief saying “Now I am undone.” He refuses to believe that Tituba, a women with a reputation of low social status, could have any connection to such sorcery. However, throughout the play, Miller individualizes Tituba in terms of her dialect, place of origin, and skin color which ultimately shows how individuality can be subverted into a cause for fear. Tituba uses this sense of isolation and individuality to her advantage and self benefit.
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