The Principles Of Leadership In The Prince By Machiavelli

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Probably one of the most infamous and controversial ideologies of the 16th century, the prince by Machiavelli has been a reference for many great leaders and academicians since it was published. The book provides historically tested and proven principles of leadership. The prince has been described as a manual for those who want to win and retain power. While some may argue that leadership is an inherent trait in human, leaders are made, not born. Making a great leader out of a person is not just a matter of identifying the leadership traits, skill and talents of the individual, but harnessing the traits, develop them and eventually mastering how to be leader. Leadership, therefore, calls for practice. Since civilization, leadership has changed but one thing remains constant; leaders have always sought to gain favor with their subjects and they do so they need insight from adviser. Machiavelli understood this and for that reason, he wrote to the prince in a bid to advise him on what he ought to have done in order to be a successful leader. From the ideologies of Machiavelli, Machiavellian leader was coined. According to Machiavelli, a successful leader should to exhibit a certain character which is key to their success. He highlights five key qualities that a leader should possess A leader should be feared by the people. According to Machiavelli, it is better to be feared than loved. He believed that the people were less likely to revolt if they feared the leader