The Pros And Cons Of Alexander Hamilton

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Bold, reasonable, and helpful are just a few words that represents Alexander Hamilton was a hero. America in 1755 was sinking into a pit of unrecognizable debt. Hamilton was a politician with big dreams and many supporters. The country was unstable due to many actions, one being the separation between the North and the South; dividing them into dangerous political parties. Many feared that although they had just finished a war that the country was falling into yet another one, but this time against themselves. It broke the people up between Federalist and Democratic -Republicans causing, them to constantly clash against each other’s ideas. Although Hamilton had flaws, the advantages of this great man highly outweighed his disadvantages. …show more content…

The National Bank gives a place for the government to safely deposit its money, and this also allows it to efficiently keep track of all the daily income. Another advantage of the National Bank is that it allows the government to loan excessive amounts of money to different countries without having to borrow the money from other state banks, and having to obey each state’s laws when it comes to the money. The National Mint has also contributed to help America grow into a successful, independent nation. The National Mint expels the purpose of the state banks by printing only one type of currency in one certain place (during 1755). Having currency printed in the national mint instead of state banks expels most of the chances of illegal or counterfeit currency being made. Also by having a National Bank, it gives off a sign of unity amongst America. It shows “the people” that America stand united as one and everyone and every state is no lesser than the …show more content…

Hamilton pushed for America to raise tariffs on foreign goods. His way of thinking was that although people loved foreign goods, they would not buy them if they had to pay an additional tax on top of the original price, but instead, the people would buy more American-made products that would put a greater increase in the economy which was greatly needed due to the nation’s debt rising daily. Hamilton was a Northerner, which caused him to constantly strive for excellence and growth of the Northern states. The growth of the Northern states would rapidly increase due to the great demand for American-made products with no tax on them instead of the foreign goods with taxes on them. This would make Hamilton a very successful and promising leader for the Northerners to believe and have a greater trust in him. It also states on a more psychological spectrum that by buying spices and other foreign goods, you are disregarding the fact that every dime “the people” had to spend does not or should not go into the country in which “the people” lived in, meaning that “the people’s” statement and actions are telling America that they do not care about the overall well being of Americas well