The Pros And Cons Of Alexander Hamilton

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The United States of America, one of the world’s biggest powers, has become what it is today because of the actions of many people throughout its history. These people are remembered in many ways, such as having important political figures on paper money.

A recent press release from the US Department of the Treasury states that the 10-dollar bill is going to be redesigned, which would remove Alexander Hamilton’s spot on the bill. I believe that Hamilton should remain on the bill as “George Washington chose Alexander Hamilton as the nation's first Treasury secretary. Hamilton [then] crafted a monetary policy that undoubtedly saved the nation from ruin. Among the features of the Hamilton[‘s] plan w[as] the payment of federal war bonds, the assumption of state debts by the federal government, and the creation of a mechanism for collecting taxes.”
Hamilton also very strongly pushed for the creation of a nation currency. According to Alexander Hamilton: “proposed a Bank of the United States… [Hamilton believed that] a central bank would help make the new nation’s economy dynamic through a more stable paper currency.” Hamilton’s economic policies were revolutionary for there time, and he enabled America to become the world power it is today.

Because of this, Alexander Hamilton deserves to retain his spot on the 10-dollar bill. …show more content…

He approved the Indian Removal Act, in which Jackson exiled the Cherokee, who had even begun to adopt the “white” way of life, forcing them to move from Georgia. Jackson single handedly caused the “Trail of Tears”, which is one of the darkest events to date in American history. According to An estimated 4,000 [people] died from hunger, exposure and disease. The journey became a cultural memory as the “trail where they cried” for the Cherokees and other removed tribes. Andrew Jackson also ended up firing more government officials than all of the previous presidents