The Pros And Cons Of Animal Experimentation

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Animal testing is a way of experimenting with non-human animals to find out what is or isn’t hazardous to human beings. There are many different species of animals all around the world that are used for testing, but the majority of them are mice, rats, rabbits, and other small animals with pretty short lifespans. They are normally tested on to find a solution to vaccines or for simple hair and skin products. Using animals in experiments is not only dangerous and cruel towards the animal, but is also very ineffective most of the time because animals don’t actually get a lot of the diseases that humans normally do. Animal experimentation is killing animals every single day. When researchers are testing on the animals, they will likely not get the answer or the constant that they are looking for. Animals aren't built the same way that humans are. “There are chances of poor research practices that are liable to put many humans lives at risk by creating false positive data”(14 Pros and Cons of Animal Research, 2017). Therefore, Practicing research is not only dangerous and harmful to animals, but it can be to humans too. A lot of the things that researchers test on animals never actually get used by anyone. So in some cases, the lives of …show more content…

Animals make better test subjects because they have shorter lifespans than humans do. “In some cases like when it comes to medicine, animals are tested on so that no human beings are harmed or “poisoned”. A human life should not be put in danger redundantly.”( Animal Testing) In a lot of cases, animals end up saving the lives of humans because researchers can test vaccines and cures on them due to such a short lifespan. Believe it or not, animals can also benefit from being tested on. Without testing on animals there would have never been vaccines for rabies, parvo, etc. Animal testing has saved the lives of many endangered

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