The Pros And Cons Of Anticipatory Care Initiatives

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Across the world today it has been an accepted fact that populations in most Countries are ever increasing. Due to this increase populations this has come to prove that there has a rapid rise in the number of people with long-term conditions and general frailty (Mason, Boyd, Murray, Steyn, Cormie, et al. 2015). Thus, causing a strain in healthcare resources and facilities. In Scotland, there have been initiatives implemented in relation to NHS Quality Strategy for Scotland (Scotland - Scottish government launches healthcare quality strategy, 2010), the 2020 vision (Vision 2020. 2017) and the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes supporting Health and Social Care integration (Scotland. Scottish Government. 2015) in order to reduce admissions to hospitals …show more content…

It is used to introduce proactive care orientated towards the prevention of adverse health events. This plan is developed over time through evolving conversation, collaborative interactions and shared decision making. Anticipatory care plans use the “Thinking Ahead” approach that allows practitioner and their teams to work the patients and the people closest to them (family, friends and carers) in order to set goals, which ensure that the right thing is being done at the right time for the patient. As the care plan is continuously being developed it keeps a record of the preferred actions, interventions and responses that care providers should make following a clinical deterioration or a crisis in the person’s care or support. Anticipatory care planning helps individuals understand their long-term condition more thoroughly. If individuals understand their condition more then they will more likely adopt a positive approach to self-management and self-care. When individuals have a smaller understanding of their condition this has been associated with higher rates of hospitalisation, poorer health status and increased mortality rates (Sudore and Schillinger, …show more content…

For some time, there has been significant efforts in Australia aimed at increasing the uptake of advance care planning (ACP) by the population, healthcare and aged care workers, and health and care systems. this has included the development of a national framework for advance care directives, a national palliative care framework, and some funding to support implementation projects and evaluation of these. 'The Respecting Patient Choices' programme now known as (ACPA) has played a key role in the development of ACP provision in Australia. ACP implementation has occurred in a range of settings including acute health services, aged care facilities, and community care, including general practice. Despite the benefits of ACP, the availability and uptake within the Australian community healthcare is low. There remains significant challenges to adequate provision of and access to ACP within Australia and newer models, such as utilising existing staff to undertake ACP conversations, are being developed and

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