The Pros And Cons Of Asylum Seekers

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Asylum Seekers Asylum Seekers and refugees have been illustrated as being horrible and pathetic people in the media for years and it simply needs to stop. Young people such as teenagers need to understand that not everything they see in the media is true. Examined by Blake Nemeth Can you imagine being forced to leave your own country risking your life just to be rejected by another country? Could you even stand the thought of growing up and living in a place where torture, savagery, rape and death are common? Can you even fathom living in poor and deprived conditions. All of this happens to Asylum Seekers and refugees whose only wish is to leave in a safe and peaceful country. A large reason for this is how they are represented in the mainstream …show more content…

Fake news can be as simple has spreading misinformation or as dangerous as smearing hateful propaganda - “The media are less a window on reality, than a stage on which officials and journalists perform self-scripted, self-serving fictions.” ― Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy News reporters & presenters are one of the top fake news platforms in the world, the information is in their hands and they can easily twist facts and bend the truth to put a negative or positive (depending on the matter) impact on the matter. This is not helped by people being easily manipulated these days, nobody does fact checks or research multiple platforms if they hear they believe it which is quite worrying since now there is more fake news then there ever has been. In September 2017 Australia conducted its first nationally representative survey focused on young Australians’ news engagement practices. The results showed as children get older, they feel more confident about telling fake news from real news. 42% of Australian teens aged 13-16 reported being able to tell fake news from real news, compared with 27% of children aged 8-12. Only 10% said they often tried to work out whether a story presented on the internet is true. A significant number indicated they sometimes tried to verify the truthfulness of news (36%). More than half indicated they either hardly ever tried (30%) or never tried to do this

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