The Pros And Cons Of Autonomous Vehicles

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Cars are the future. They have been around for 110 years, and they have had a major effect on everyday life. In today's age of smartphones and advancements in science, people are looking for cars with better technology. Now with the release of autonomous car people think that this is a truly brilliant advancement in the automotive industry; however, while the idea is quite brilliant autonomous cars could pose a severe threat to people. Autonomous cars shouldn’t be made because it could potentially cause harm to the driver or worse, an innocent bystander. This new advancement in technology could also destroy companies and ruin peoples careers. The first big issue with autonomous cars is that it can destroy businesses and industries. One of …show more content…

With autonomous cars, they are built like a computer that way it can run and work properly to do its primary task. With autonomous vehicles automakers “now install gateways between a driver’s system and the car’s CAN network,”(Perlroth) but if hackers are patient, they can bypass the gateways between the driver’s system and the car’s CAN network. This could pose a serious threat to people because if a self-driving car gets hacked then who knows what rampage could occur. There have even been instances in which hackers have hacked specific Jeeps and Teslas. Someone could be innocently riding in their car and get hacked, so the hackers can control the car and have it drive off a bridge. Hacking is on the rise in America, and people will hack anything that can affect people’s lives. Self-driving vehicles are a large target for hackers. They can even use it for extortion or to steal peoples data because people can save their data within the car's computer. The National Highway Traffic Administration has stated that “ V2V equipment be installed in all cars in the future. But that channel, and all the equipment involved, open millions more access points for would-be attackers,”(Perlroth) and that just proves that dangers of self-driving cars. With this advancement in technology is could be one of the most dangerous. There is the risk of people having their information stolen, or even worse killed. Even if there are advancements made to prevent hackers, it will not stop them from attacking self driving cars, and they will always find a little window to plot out their malicious

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