Breastfeeding Pros And Cons

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My intended audience is for new mothers who are conflicted with the question of: to breastfeed, or not to breastfeed? Controversy surrounds the concept of breastfeeding, as some mothers claim it is the only reasonable option, while others have turned to formula-feeding for various reasons. Both sides have differing opinions on the health benefits and drawbacks, which should be took into consideration when deciding the best choice for an infant. It should be noted that many mothers who choose formula over breast milk are criticized and shamed, which can make the decision difficult.
Mother Knows Best: Analyzing Breastfeeding Health Benefits and Drawbacks
Despite breastfeeding being shown to have health benefits for both infants and mothers, the …show more content…

A major reason to breastfeed is because “it is a unique nutritional source that cannot adequately be replaced by any other food and it remains superior to infant formula from the perspective of the overall health benefits of both mother and child” (Breastfeeding - Natural Is Best [column]). In other words, breast milk has nutrients that formula cannot replicate. “Formula is not able to change its constitution, but your breast milk morphs to meet your baby 's changing needs, without the need for heating, mixing or sterilization and cleaning of bottles and teats” (Breastfeeding - Natural Is Best [column]). The nutrients provided in formula can mimic the nutrients in breast milk, but it cannot duplicate the constantly changing array of essential nutrients. Also, breastfeeding may take less preparation time for a mother, as the hassle of making and cleaning bottles is alleviated. For the same reason, breastfeeding can be a cost-efficient option as …show more content…

Breastfeeding has been shown to keep infants healthy enough to avoid hospital visits; being that the nutrients in breast milk give infants a more efficient response to vaccinations. However, the effectiveness of some childhood vaccinations may be lowered due to the toxic chemicals. “The class of chemicals called perfluorinated alkylates substances are widely used in consumer products to make them resistant to water, grease and stains” (Breast-Feeding May Expose Infants to Toxic Chemicals - Study). The exposure occurs unknowingly, as the chemicals “can be found on waterproof or water-resistant clothing, and on furniture or carpeting treated for stain resistance. The chemicals are also used in food packaging such as microwave popcorn bags and takeout pizza boxes” (Breast-Feeding May Expose Infants to Toxic Chemicals - Study). Unfortunately, there is no way for mothers to prevent this exposure to these chemicals. It is speculated that mothers should turn to formula-feeding after three or four months of breastfeeding, as additional breastfeeding will only build up the contaminates inside an infant. This differs from the opinion of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which recommends that infants be breastfed for up to at least twelve months, with the introduction of new