The Pros And Cons Of California Solar Power

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We are going to learn all about California energy. California’s last major power plant was decommissioned in 2015. California leads the nation in electricity generation from non-hydroelectric renewable energy sources. 29% of California electricity comes from RPS eligible renewable source. California has been taking advantage of the sunshine since the turn of the 20th century, Thousands of homes use the sun for heating water and electric. In the 1970’s there was a oil crises that gave concern of fossil fuel. That is when California started turning to things like solar power. Over 20 years solar power can save you 10,000 . There are about 4,724,000 people using solar power in the state of California , the price has decreased by 64% over the …show more content…

The levelized cost of energy from wind turbines in 1993 was about 7.5 cents per kilowatt/hour. More than 13,000 of California's wind turbines, or 95 percent of all of California's wind generating capacity and output, Wind energy is a clean, renewable energy source and offers many advantages, which explains why it's one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world. Research is aimed at improving technology, lowering costs, and addressing the challenges to greater use of wind energy. Read on to learn more about the benefits of wind power and some of the challenges the industry is working to overcome. ADVANTAGES OF WIND POWER Wind energy is a clean fuel source. Wind energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines don't produce atmospheric emissions that increase health problems like asthma or create acid rain or greenhouse gases. According to the Wind Vision Report, wind has the potential to reduce cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by 14%, saving $400 billion in avoided global damage by 2050.Wind power does not use water, unlike conventional electricity

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