Summary: The Case Against The Death Penalty

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“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”(Mahatma Gandhi)
The Death penalty was utilized as an approach to free themselves from jeopardous crimes, yet was later optically observed as a lawful offense against human rights. The controversy on whether or not capital punishment is justified is still raging on this day. The U.S. is failing to realize that they are violating our human rights because they refuse to abolish the death penalty which contravenes a person 's right to life, it is not fair and there is nothing to truly gain from it. We ought not save it in light of the fact that everybody has the privilege to life, even the liable. So taking the life of anyone, particularly when it is basically for revenge, it makes us just as barbaric as the murderer. …show more content…

“The Case Against the Death Penalty.” American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU,

Meehan, Mary. "Ten reasons to oppose the death penalty: This list is still current 35 years later." America, 30 Oct. 2017, Student Resources in Context,

Capital Punishment Must end” National Catholic Reporter, 13 Mar. 2015,

Elliot, David, and Joshua Marquis.“Should the death penalty be abolished? Capital punishment is on the books in 37 states, and in the federal courts.” New York Times upfront, 10 Dec. 2007,

Rust-Tierney, Diann, and Joshua Marquis.“Should the death penalty be abolished? The Supreme Court has increasingly restricted the use of capital punishment.” New York Times upfront, 7 Oct. 2013,

Mike Farrell“5 Myths About the Death Penalty.” Death Penalty Focus,