Harry Harlow, an American psychologist who is best known for his maternal separation experiment, proved that children need love and affection. In orphanages, infants and children do not receive the affection and attention needed to ensure the best developmental growth. This is what leads me to think that more people should adopt both within the United States and outside of the United States. There are millions of children sitting in orphanages waiting to be picked and taken to a home where they can be shown love and affection. By adopting, children would be given a chance to become something, instead of spending their lives in an orphanage. The factor of adoption that is of utmost importance is the fact that the children can become more psychologically …show more content…
If adoption becomes more common and more widely accepted, the amounts of children in orphanages will decrease and the psychological health of those children will increase due to a sufficient amount of love and affection that they wouldn’t experience if they didn’t have someone parents of their own. Adoption, if made more common, will decrease the abortion numbers and increase the potential of the babies that would have been aborted. Although infertility is a very horrific situation, it can lead to another child being given a life that they could not have lived inside of an orphanage. Adoption can be very costly and difficult to go through with it, but the difficulties of it and the struggles one has to endure are well worth it in the end when a child is given a chance at life and a couple is given a chance at parenthood. If adoption were made more possible for couples to go through with and couples that struggle with infertility were encouraged to go through the adoption route instead of in vitro or surrogacy, the children that spend day in and day out in an orphanage would be given a chance to be somebody and the world would be a much better place. Adoption should be made easier for couples who show an interest in adoption to ensure the well-being of innocent children who just want to find a place in this