Corruption In Third World Countries

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All this money in terms of legal and moral is the property of the people, and came from illegal way and in other hand the money came to the European countries from this side is illegal for those countries, I imagine it as money laundering and theft at the expense of the blood of poor people. those alleged links are a point in sea of corruption that we suffering in the third World countries by International companies are greedy of capital owners behind them seek to exploit all the conditions that help to make money and wealth by collecting money in twisted ways.
The problem with Third World regimes is repressive regimes whose main thrust is corruption.
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The authors of the report focused on 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa exporting oil: Angola, Cameroon, Congo (Brazzaville), Ivory Coast, Gabon, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, South Sudan and Chad. "Between 2011 and 2013, the governments sold more than 2.3 Billion barrels of oil represents more than 250 billion dollars, or about 56 percent of its general revenues. " The authors of the report wanted to highlight the deals concluded by Switzerland and its wholly-owned businesses in Geneva and Zog-Lugano. Swiss companies bought between 2011 and 2013 more than 500 million barrels of oil worth $ 55 …show more content…

But "in most cases" did not prove "such transparency." In this context, non-governmental organizations are asking producer countries to adopt rules to ensure "integrity in the selection of buyers and price fixing". In June, Switzerland demanded more transparency in the raw materials sector, but only for companies that are extracting. Trade has been excluded from this. The Swiss government has preferred "Switzerland to remain an organizational oasis for negotiators," according to NGOs. As the "host country of world class trade in raw materials globally, Switzerland can and should shoulder its responsibilities," according to the authors of the report. According to AFP, the report concludes that if trade is kept out of transparency, "high-profile deals between Swiss companies and African governments will remain secret." Some 750 companies, which trade in priority materials in Switzerland, employ about 10,500 people, according to the latest published