The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence has many forms, such as intimidation, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. When a person is domestically assaulting their partner, they are ultimately trying to have power or control over them. Domestic violence can affect anyone in any community. It doesn’t matter what age, class status, sexuality, gender, or race you are; it can happen to anyone. Domestic violence can cause physical injury, trauma and could even lead to death. It is hard to figure out if your partner is abusive or not in the beginning stages of your relationship. Abusers have a way of disguising who they are by acting like a good person, but over time their hostile and controlling behavior will come out later as the relationship goes forward. Many people who see red flags, like name-calling or threats during the relationship will dismiss their partners action. Abusers will apologize and try to persuade their loved ones that they will never do it again or say they did it …show more content…

Some abusers attack their partners emotionally then become physical. In some cases, abusers are only emotionally and psychologically abusive, which can often be just as fatal as physical abuse. Just because the victim isn’t experiencing any physical harm doesn’t mean they are not in danger. Domestic violence is becoming an epidemic. Study show that in the state of Florida in 2014, “106,882 crimes of domestic violence were reported to Florida law enforcement agencies resulting in 64,460 arrests(FCADV).” Many victims try to leave and seek help from family and friends. When the victim tries to leave the relationship, the abuser feels that they are losing control of their victim. The victim is in the most danger when they make the attempt to leave. Research find, that “one-fifth of the female IPH victims who had a restraining order were killed within two days of the order being issued; about one-third were killed within a month

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