The Pros And Cons Of Donald J. Trump

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Why many people are against the Donald J Trump

Donald J Trump who has officially nominated as presumptive presidential candidate of 2016 from the Republican convention has been criticized by different medias as well by his own republican personalities.
The editorial of the Washing Post writes; “ Trump, the real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. Mr. Trump’s politics of denigration and division could strain the bonds that have held a diverse nation together.” It further adds that; ‘ A Trump presidency would be dangerous for the nation and the world”

Senator Ted Cruz declined to endorse the Donald Trump his former rival of primary election during his own convention speech, which makes the Trump to lash out. Michael R. Bloomberg, who bypassed his own presidential candidacy, is going to endorse Hillary Clinton. It is an unexpected to the republican as well to the Trump because Mr. Bloomberg was elected the mayor of New York City as a Republican, but he became independent later. …show more content…

According to him all of the crime, drug and rapists are because of the immigrants. He states that the illegal immigrants are hampering the nation on every standpoint. This statement has severely hurt the immigrants from who has already been the citizen of this United State. Many people think that Trump who is a businessman is not supposed to enter into the politic as he doesn’t have that kind of attitude to be the president of America. The opponent of the Donald trump believes that if the Trump win the election he will make this country just a joke instead of his speech of making a great