The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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Roseanne Barr, the 2012 presidential nominee of the California-based Peace and Freedom Party, once said, “I think that the American people are being given a false choice, because the choice between the lesser of two evils is a false choice.” This quote explains how all politicians are corrupt and that Americans are no longer voting for the best people in the Presidential Race. Americans are voting for the least evil. This is relevant to note because it tells us a lot about our politicians in America, yet our new President, Donald Trump, falls into a much different and unique category of what a politician is. Unfiltered, uncensored, and unapologetically honest is the main traits of our new president and is not the traditional behavior of a …show more content…

Politicians have repeatedly failed at delivering what they promise during campaigns. The economy has been on a rollercoaster ride leaving many people in the wake of it behind that were never able to catch up to the rebounding economy. Several wars have been fought in the last few decades and most of them resulting in not accomplishing much, but rather disturbing not only our domestic economy but international economies. Most of these resulting in not accomplishing any of the goals that the public was misled by, but rather arguably resulting in increased tension and perhaps making enemies. Our leaders even managed to alienate some of our supporters and allies. Some of these politicians have been in their position for up to 30 or 40 years and have lost touch with reality that the average citizens have to live each …show more content…

Politicians routinely promise to improve infrastructure, reform, health care, improve education, and revive the economy. But unfortunately, the infrastructure is crumbling, the healthcare and education are failing, and the economy has only a wider gap between the haves and have-nots. The roads are falling apart, the buildings dilapidated, the airports are inefficient, the rail system has not kept up with time, countries in Europe and the Far East have modern railways systems that link all major towns and cities with bullet trains. Due to the lies they have constantly given, the public no longer believes anything politicians say and think they’re all phony. Because of this, American citizens have begun to no longer participate in presidential elections and not vote because they believe that it’s pointless due to the fact all politicians are corrupt liars. Numerous scandals of corruption and immoral acts by elected officials has tainted the reputation of politicians. From the Clinton administration to the current, we continue to be embroiled in personal crisis (Monica Lewinsky) to currently Trump nominees have been in political crisis for having contact with Russian officials creating turmoil. Bush lead the country into invading Iraq on false premises of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additionally, while the Obama administration has been relatively free of major scandals, there have been instances of dissension regarding Gitmo

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