The Pros And Cons Of Effective Aid

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Disparities can be referred to any from of differences, bias or general inequality. To reduce any form of disparities, the aid provided must be effective. To provide aid is to provide poor/developing countries with a better quality of life and improve their standard of living. Effective aid would reduce disparities since the people of the country can develop, improve their standard of living, quality of life and most importantly learn to be independent. Effective aid isn’t necessarily always present, the different types of aid, such as short term, long term, conditional etc. can be assessed to determine whether they can reduce global disparities. Effective aid would be a form of aid that provides the resources needed to invest in projects and …show more content…

By providing countries with agricultural rate we are reducing disparities as we are giving them the means of increasing not only food production but the quality of the food. This will open up doors for trade, which will definitely help the LEDC with its economical state. Socially this will open up doors for jobs. Many farmers, dealers will be required to handle the agriculture. However, this may cost more than necessary for the donor country as training/technical expertise will be required for the recipients, along with any other resources. This money will be provided by the taxpayers of the donor countries, which may lead to some issues as to people will be curious on why their tax money is for the foreign countries. But at the end, it does improve the Donor country’s image and overall reputation which will be good for any expats wanting to visits, or generally if any alliances between countries would want to be made. Aid can also be ineffective if it is used to fund projects that don’t help the long term development of a country. A constant supply of aid can cause dependency on the poorer country. Emergency aid, which is a type of short-term aid, is also ineffective as it does not solve the long-term economic development problems of a country. All these reasons don’t help reduce disparities as the poor country isn’t able to be independent and …show more content…

In Kenya population growth has continued, where as GDP rates are falling. Industry and services are collapsing, and illiteracy, disease and malnutrition are still high. Life expectancy has fallen from 59 years at independence to just 46 in 2001. Gender inequity is also a problem in Kenya, and even when laws have been changed in favor of women, the practice still lags far behind. The reasons for this decline and inequality are complex and reach far beyond Kenya itself. Mismanagement and corruption are to blame, but are only part of the picture. Kenya, like many developing countries, has considerable