The Pros And Cons Of Factory Farming

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Is it ethically acceptable to raise animals for food on factory farms? P1- Factory farm Animals endure torment and slaughtered daily. P2- They are kept in the most unsanitary conditions, affecting our animals, people, and environment. P3- Factory farm animals are given enormous amount of antibiotics for their diseases. P4- The bacteria is passed on to our people; as a result, our people are dying diseases. P5- Farming house industry main focus is to minimize their cost, and get as much profit on the expense of these poor animals. Therefore, it is unethical to raise animals on factory farms, it negatively impacts the animals, our people, and our environment. The first premise focus on animal cruelty. Factory farms are responsible for developing …show more content…

Their health is affected also by the unsanitary conditions, which cause their death. For example, the article states “Cows are held in: barren, manure-filled feedlots containing up to 40,000 cows. They endure branding, castration, and dehorning without anesthetic. The feedlot air is so saturated with ammonia, methane, and other noxious chemicals from the build-up of feces that many of these cows suffer from chronic respiratory problems” (Matsuoka, 2016). These are the type of unlivable environment our animals are faced with. As a result of the unsanitary conditions, our people are affected with diseases from contaminated water from the abundance amount of maneuver, and pollution of the …show more content…

This is the main reason people are dying from cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Factory farm animals and conditions Impacts human health include a variety of cancers, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, deformations of the central nervous system, and spontaneous abortions (Burkholder et al., 2007). “Contamination of Milwaukee’s drinking water by manure from dairy cows caused a 1993 outbreak of cryptosporidium, which killed over 100 people and poisoned 403,000 (MacKenzie et al., 1994). “The total cost of outbreak-associated illness was $96.2 million: $31.7 million in medical costs and $64.6 million in productivity losses” (Matsuoka,

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