The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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You may ask what does the word fracking mean? The United States has many opinions on this hot topic and no one really knows the right answer for it all. The method of Natural Gas Drilling consists of a type of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking. This process peals fissures in underground shale, rock figures by implanting a high pressurized mix of chemicals, fluids and proppants. This causes the fossil fuel to travel to the production well. Millions of gallons, during the fracking process of a mixture of toxic chemicals, water and sand are injected into the ground to fracture the shale and release natural gas. Therefore the opinions on this vary in many ways, either believing that this is incredibly harmful …show more content…

There are some threats that come from fracking such as, air, water, health to the communities, and the land. Continuous truck traffic interrupts communities and makes hazards. The huge amounts of water in the fracking process strain resources of water and begin to get contaminated. Methane also plays a role as one of the hazards as it is a potent climate change pollutant escapes quickly throughout the processing and distribution. NRDC(Community Fracking Defense Project) helps communities whether or not this should continue. There are many actions people can take to help like, prioritize efficiency to replace fossil fuels. Some people say that this truly is a “watershed” moment in environmental history. The Bureau of Land Management has made new laws for gas and oil expansion. This would be towards 750 million acres in the United States. The federal government has the choice to to put rules on fracking that can protect our water, air, and land more. Some places are completely off limits to these drilling procedures. Because of the hazards they had found the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was established to help assure that the drinking water was not contaminated and safe to drink. This is not the only act, that has come about since the modern day fracking had began in the 1990’s. Even those in the drilling business acknowledge the lack of control. “Sometimes you can never …show more content…

Personally, fracking to me is really not that big of an issue. Yes, I agree that there are things that can be hazardous, but that’s for everyone and everyone should know that. Fracking can help different things in many ways. It opens up jobs to people in many options. With all of this being said, like stated in an article from, Drilling Info, “By reducing our dependence on foreign oil, we don’t have to send untold amounts of money to governments who don't have our best interests in mind, particularly those in the Middle East.(Drilling Info, 2012) I don’t think that there will ever really be an answer to the process of NAtural Gas Drilling knowing it has a good amount of pro’s, but also a good amount of con’s. Either way, our world even if there was no fracking, wouldn’t mean that our world would be a perfectly clean, non contaminated water

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