
The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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Fracking is a process in which fractures in rocks below the earth’s surface are opened and widened by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure, used especially to extract natural gas and oil.(Webster Dictionary) While researching information on fracking, I have come to realize that there are pros and cons to this particular process and why it is important to the world. In addition, I learned that during the drilling process, it is always vertical and not so much horizontal (BBC.com). With this method, new pathways are created for reuse. Finally, when the shale rock is fractured, oil and gas are extracted and releasing of natural gas. Sounds pretty simple right? However there are studies that have opposed to this type of drilling …show more content…

One topic is the alteration of drinking water. “Hydraulic fracturing fluids contain toxic chemicals and are being injected into and near drinking water supplies..this operation utilizes high volumes of fluids and high pressures to intentionally open up underground pathways for gas and oil to flow. Injected fluids have been known to travel as far as 3,000 feet from a well and fracturing fluids may remain underground” (Earthworks) Granted, the high pressure water mixture consist of water and sand but there are also the chemicals that make up the the mixture. These chemicals used can include Benzene, Toluene, Ethyle Benzene, Xylene, and other toxins which can become trapped underground. According to water pollution surveys throughout the communities where hydraulic fracturing drilling takes place, the main concerns are developing serious health problems such as cancer, respiratory disease, reproduction problems, and skin problems just to name a few (Earthworks). Throughout my research, I have yet to come across any materials that support such claims but that is not to say that none exist, these chemicals are very dangerous and should be given respect when handling them. Needless to say, since hydraulic fracturing was first used to recover natural gas and oil in 1947, the industrial industry has taken the necessary steps to ensure and maintain safety first and to ensure the safety of communities and the protection of the

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