The Pros And Cons Of Gene Patents

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Introduction This written assignment is a very good practice of commercial and bioethical issues in agriculture. In this case, a company has developed an innovative new “gene” that would make food more nutritious. The company wants to seek patent for their discovery to ensure that nobody else in the market could use their invention. The purpose of a patent to protect the developer will be discussed, followed by a counterargument to abandon such patent. A final conclusion with proper suggestion will be presented. State legitimate arguments in favor of the position. From a financial and commercial perspective, scientific research and development usually costs a lot of company’s resources and money. It is understandable that companies with advanced technologies or biotechs will want to seek patents. If not, the competing company will easily take over the fruit of the research and use it for free. Gene patents do not just exists in nature, but within us, human-derived tissue products are patent-eligible (Lamb, n.d.). In the case of Diamond and Chakrabarty, 1980, The Court of Customs …show more content…

Therefore, it is eligible for the issuance of patent. Besides, granting gene patents can promote human public health. Because the biogenetic industry is similar to the pharmaceutical industry, it is a typical high-risk and high-yield industry (Lamb, n.d.). The technology research and development requires a lot of capital investment. If gene patents are not granted, there will not be a large amount of money invested by commercial companies to conduct related research, which will inevitably lead to the decline and shrinkage of the industry. Without patent protection and lack of interest, most R&D of new chemical development will be keep on hold . It is critical that the biogenetic industry to be granted genetic patents in order to

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