The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering

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Due to the rapid and continuing advancement in the field of human genetics it is difficult to accurately predict the future of genetics research’s impact on humanity. This essay will attempt to describe how those efforts will impact medicine, eugenics and the modification of our own genetic legacy. This essay will also attempt to explore how these advances will impact our societies, our sense of what it is to be human and the ethical debates that surround these topics. I have hope for our future and the responsible use and application of genetic research, there are benefits to be reaped in humans engineering of genetics but we are also more than biological beings and that divine in us must inform our need to proceed with caution.
We have long known though observation of expressed traits that there was an internal component within living creatures that must be responsible. The discovery of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and its structure in the middle of the 20th century lead to the early sequencing of bacteria and later simple multi celled organisms. The human genome project was created in order to sequence the human genome and was completed 2000 (DNA, 2014). The project and its completed sequence of genes opened the possibility of identifying the causes of genetic disease and even …show more content…

While most parents would want their children to health and productive members of society, there is temptation to give traits that above the required for normal health. To make the definition and separation of these concepts even more diffuse, Lee (2013) states that accepting genetic engineering and treatment are both forms of enhancement and both operate under that same principle mechanism of genetic manipulation. This could be interpreted as a moral obligation to enhance ourselves and our