The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Manipulation

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One of the most popular movie genres nowadays is Science Fiction, where we can see unrealistic science inventions such as cloning, light sabers and time traveling. For now, all these inventions may seem impossible, but they are becoming more of a reality with recent scientific advancements. About thirty years ago, genetic engineering was idealistic and unthinkable, however today is a reality and an outstanding issue around the world. The uttermost controversial subject of genetic manipulation is the need to understand the social and personal implications at stake. I’m going to focus on genetic manipulation concerned with embryos, as there are no moral objections to the manipulation of human body cells for curative purposes and the manipulation of animal or vegetable cells for pharmaceutical benefits. Genetic manipulation is the deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material, and it takes place each time an embryonic cell is transformed into something else it was not. It gives the power to change diverse aspects of nature, opening possibilities for life saving treatments, but at the same time giving rise to delicate ethical problems. Cloning is a form of reproduction in which offspring result not from the chance union of egg and sperm, but from the genetic …show more content…

To create human beings in order to have spare human organs, besides being illicit and a monstrosity, it’s as absurd as building a car to use its tires for another car, and then destroy it. These new human beings brought into existence solely to satisfy a need and not out of love for their own existence, will be seen as mere instruments for the good of others, and this could cause serious socio-political, economic, ethical and religious revolutions in

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