The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Modification

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Genetic Modifications

Genetic Modification is a change or substitution caused by human activity in the DNA (the substance that responsible about the appearance of the organism). Genetic modification was accomplished for the first time in 1973 by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer. Some scientists in countries around the world aspire applying this technology on plants and humans. Now some countries like USA, Argentina, Brazil, Canada and China allow their scientists to make researches on genetic modification; which will allow unpredictable effects occur by this technology. Genetic engineering is a potentially and powerful very dangerous tool. To alter the succession of nucleotides of the DNA can have extremely ill.
Genetic modification should be banded by law as its future is unknown, genetically modified food in unsafe and it is against humans’ rights (unethically).

Nobel Prize winning, George Wald Harvard professor and biologist, wrote in 1976: “Recombinant DNA technology [genetic engineering] faces our society with problems unprecedented not only in the history of science, but of life on the Earth.” According to a study, it is 83% risky. In addition, the consequences problems may not appear for many years, which will make huge health problems. “Germline genome alterations are permanent and heritable, so very, very careful consideration needs to be taken in advance of such applications.” (Carroll, 2015). Serious health risks to the future of the children.