The Pros And Cons Of Gerrymandering

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Gerrymandering is an important facet of politics. If you haven't heard this term before or don't know what it means, gerrymandering is defined as manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency to benefit one party. In simple terms, it means to arrange political districts in a way to benefit your own agenda. This should be stopped. This practice can guarantee a state to a party whether or not they have the majority.Redistricting happens every 10 years. Which party gets to draw the lines depends on which party won. This was originally meant to ensure that Congress and the House of Representatives was representative. This evolved into gerrymandering.Gerrymandering is a big problem in America. It impacts communities across the country. This method effects minorities, …show more content…

These districts, along with their absurd names have an absurd appearance too. If you take a look at these, You'd agree. They really do look like a Chinese dragon or a skateboarding rabbit, and that's not a good thing. When your political system looks as ridiculous as this, It's time for a change.Computers are changing the game, too. These processors can redesign the best possible map in seconds and more efficiently and effectively. These machines can fine tune the map for the best possible outcomes. Gerrymandering used to be an art but now it's down to a science. This science is getting better and better by the year therefore becoming less inclusive, but there is a solution. Computers made this problem much worse, but they can help us fix it. That's where legislative redistricting comes in. Legislative redistricting is partisan fairness in redistricting. Computers can already draw a map of fair politics with software that has already been made. With one simple look on the internet you can see that there are many types of software that are designed to be

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