
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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One of the major conflicts that have been controversial and complex is gun control. As we hear on the news about shootings and the mass media displaying them, we begin to think about whether or not gun control should be stricter than the law has it now. Some of the questions to be answered are something along the lines of: Is making guns law stricter going to help, is making places a free gun zone help, and does leaving the law the way it is really going to help? These claims will be answered along with problems in trying to increase the gun law strictness or be able to decrease the firearm death rate significantly. People believe that gun control should be stricter than it is now due to the vast amounts of mass shootings happening on the news. As strict gun laws become even stricter, it will eliminate the amount of “guns being bought as well as reduce accidental injuries involving guns” (Vittana). When looking at other countries for gun laws we could adopt/learn from them in order to see what makes their crime rate so much lower than the United States. In Finland for example, “you must prove that you are an active member of regulated shooting clubs, pass an aptitude test, submit a police interview, and show that you have a proper gun storage unit in order to own a gun” (Donohue, John). When looking at Finland’s firearm death rate, we can see that it’s significantly lower than the US. Another country that made their gun laws stricter and decreased the crime rate was Australia. The Federal government of “Australia passed laws of banning a large array of …show more content…

This law that has been added to the US and other countries have been doing some considerate research on people and have stopped many mentally ill from owning a weapon while also slightly decreasing the firearm death

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