The Pros And Cons Of Gun Law Reform

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something but we cannot keep treating everyone like there is nothing wrong and everyone is the same. When we hear about gun law reform this is one subject that is avoided by both democratic and republicans. We are too scared about hurting peoples feelings that if we see someone acting strange we just ignore it instead of getting them necessary help. If In order to see gun violence go down mental health needs to be at the top of the list as well. Gun Control:exploring the issues addresses this issue by suggesting that there is a correlation “between violent killings and medication and mental illness”( O’Brien). As medicine progresses and were understand mental health more there is evidence to support this statement made in 2013. By just tightening gun control laws there is no real prevention for people that have guns and bad intentions except a longer prison sentence but even that might not be effective.
Columbine was on of the most notorious mass shootings in American history. There were many sign that the shooters of columbine were mentally unstable and where capable of killing so many, but people chose to ignore them. One of the boys even bragged about topping the Oklahoma City …show more content…

The shooters chose to do it at school where no one else would have a gun on them making the shooters completely in control. A former Arizona Sheriff states “ A school is a helpless victim zone, preventing any adult at a school from having access to a fire arm eliminates any chase the killer can be stopped in time to prevent a rampage”(O’Brien). Another example of location being a big factor in mass shootings was the Colorado movie theater shooting. The shooter chose that theater in particular because it banned guns making him the most powerful person in the building. There are many factors to mass shootings that have nothing to do with gun laws and by only changing them they are being ignored and pushed to the