How To Persuasive Essay On Mass Shootings

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It is a grim matter to those, who walk through this great nation, or flick through the news channels, when they see the statistics, and the headlines of shootings and homicides committed against innocent and defenseless peoples. Now americans everywhere, instead of being able to live their life with a peace of mind, are forced to live with the anxiety and fear that their loved ones will not home from mundane activities such as school, the movies, or even church.
These fears aren’t unfounded either. The FBI defines a mass shooting as a public attack in which three or more people are shot, and last year in the USA there were over 427 mass shootings. And incidents like these are hard to forget. 26 people were murdered during their weekly sunday service in a Sutherland Springs church, and 58 people were killed and over 500 were injured during the Las Vegas shooting. According to the Mass Shooting Tracker, which catalogues such incidents, over 520 people were killed this year and 1,870 were injured.
I think it is agreed by all that the act of innocent mothers, fathers, and children being shot and killed while going about their daily lives is a heinous act, and that the immense number masacres has put the country in a deplorable state. Republicans and Democrats alike are trying to find an effective solution …show more content…

Young elementary school kids would be allowed small single shot pistols that need to be reloaded after every shot; middle school students will be permitted to use assault weapons, and high schoolers will be permitted to use military-issue weapons. The levels would progress in this manner as the children grow and pass certain courses in order to ensure the safety of others and themselves, and prevent gun related accidents. As the children get older they will be able to handle the more dangerous weapons due to their higher level of