The Pros And Cons Of Hate Speech

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The Positive Side of Hate Speech The recent tragic events in Charlottesville, have started an important conversation, on the pervasive flaws still extant in the United States. This article is not part of that conversation instead, it is a conversation on the positive aspect of hate speech. Hate Speech, as reprehensible as it may seem, is what makes the United States great. When asked the majority would, claim to be in favor of free speech. This is an easy claim to make when the content is something they agree with, or, is at the very least, benign. It is a harder to make that claim when it comes to hate speech.Yet, even hate speech, no matter how reprehensible is protected. Freedom of Speech is enshrined in the Constitution. With few exceptions, …show more content…

The Basic Law For the Federal Republic of Germany, allows for the freedom of Speech however, this right is restricted. In Germany free speech ends when the content would restrict the rights of others. In practice, this means hate speech is effectively illegal. In Germany, it is illegal to display a swastika unless, it is for educational purposes. In response to the recent events Charlottesville, you might want to adopt a similar law. But there are two major issues with this idea. The first issue is that it is unconstitutional on its face and would you struck down by the Supreme Court should it ever get that far. The second issue is how we would effectuate such a law a law. How would we determine what qualifies as hate speech. At first glance of swastika may seem to qualify. But what if that swastika is on a movie poster? Promotional material, for the 2009 film Inglourious Basterds, was censored in Germany. All swastikas and other Nazi regalia had to be removed. How would we i enforce a ban on Stars and Bars. Would we burn all flags, hats, and t-shirts, with the Stars and Bars on it. Clothing store arrest anyone caught wearing a tshirt? What about sports teams that have an“offensive” name or iconography?Finally, what offensive coffee

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