The Pros And Cons Of Hunting Education

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“The mission of hunter education programs is to develop safe, ethical, and responsible hunters and to ensure the continuation of the hunting tradition” (Idaho Hunter's Ed Course). Proper ethics education leads to less wounded animals, safer hunting practices, and sensitivity to those who do not hunt. Continuing with the ethical hunter education, hunters have often been given a bad name by those who kill wildlife illegally, or of out of season. This activity is called poaching, and is looked down upon by those in the hunting community. The penalties for such an activity range from state to state, however, it often is view as the most outrageous offence a hunter can commit. Many states have created outlets for reporting for anyone who witnesses or knows about a poaching event. “To compare hunters to poachers is like comparing shoppers to shoplifters” (Laney 152). Poaching is just stealing from the environment, while having no regard for the impacts that it can cause. Tradition says poaching is bad and this is important to teach young hunters so that animal species can survive and prosper. Poor policies Create “Overpopulation” Overpopulation is a term that is used to directly convince people that there is a problem. This term is used to justify the reasoning behind hunting animals that could survive on their own, without …show more content…

Answering the questions regarding concerns of the consequences of hunting or not hunting animals that could exist without any human intervention. I hope I was able to contribute to the conversation no matter how divide the lines are between those for and against hunting. Improper use of conservation habits will create overpopulation and all problems associated with such. Hunting is necessary to provide a balance between extinction and the carrying capacity of wildlife in

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