Immigration is a huge and complex phenomenon, capable of changing the face of a society. If for better or worse, it is up to us to decide it. The "phenomenon" immigration, in fact, has significant economic, social, cultural, public order implications. It presents both problems and benefits, which are not a fixed and inevitable datum, but the result of our ability to manage it. Any discussion on this topic, however, can not be a cold comparison of costs and benefits. We must never forget that the "phenomenon" immigration is made by ... immigrants: men in flesh and blood, with their stories, their hopes, their fears and weaknesses, their rights (and their duties), their creativity, the desire to become useful (or to take advantage of situations), …show more content…
bad living conditions of immigrants, both from the point of view of work (low wages, security and precarious rights) and from the point of view of housing (high purchase and rental prices, unhealthy conditions and overcrowding); 2. worsening of the conditions of work and accommodation of the Italians of the weaker groups, who enter into competition with immigrants; 3. expiry of a social protection system burdened by over-assisted, with negative consequences for Italians who do not have the possibility to pay for private protection; 4. delinquency of immigrants without work. A condition that these immigrants can partially be victims, because they arrive with unrealistic hopes. And victims, of course, are the local citizens, especially those in the neighborhoods where immigrant settlements are concentrated; 5. exploitation of immigrants by organized crime that manages migratory flows. They range from the impoverishment of immigrants to their country having a dignified state of life, they have been pushed to sell everything to pay for the trip, and they do not see feasible expectations that were often emphasized by those who encouraged them to leave. Until reaching slavery and trafficking of young women, induced to leave with the promise of work and then forced into