The Pros And Cons Of Incarceration

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The view many are accepted to use prisons to indicate that certain forms of behavior will not be tolerated, and to protect them from those who refuse to play by the rules, has become a policy position that dares not speak its name. This has been put unchallenged over and over again as a paradoxical illustration of how the size of a prison reflects the level crime, not the victimhood of society. Incarceration is an effective program in regards to the regulation of crime rates due to a portrayal of how Tyrone Hoard presented the society the insufficiency of diversion programs as followed by statistical graphs and its persistence in criminal offering. A widespread use of incarceration manages the increase of crime rates, whereas alternatives in which the government has invested in this cognitive behavioral therapy is spineless.
Tyrone Howard, who was a criminal given numerous opportunities for diversion programs rather than jailed due to drug charges, allegedly murdered New York Police Officer Randolph Holder. The murder of the honored officer led supporters of the programs to question the embracement of incarceration limits, which they ask: “Are we moving too fast to embrace the limits of incarceration by introducing diversion programs?” Howard is one of the multiple instances of how alternatives such as drug courts and diversion programs failed to educate a more civil and righteous behavior and thoughts. However, others such as P. David Soares continue to argue “Tyrone