The Pros And Cons Of Industrialization

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Industrial Revolution: The industrial revolution started in the late 1700s in Britain. From 18th to 19th centuries, it spreads among America and Europe especially in rural places, which later became an urbanized area. Before the industrial revolution, people were using their hands or simple equipment to manufacture. The people were making the iron and textiles in their homes or cottage, and the trades were provide the raw materials, and the equipment to the workers that were necessary to finish the products. The goods and the products were made in inefficient way, and this resulted in the beginning of industrialization. The industrialization has replaced the human workers in the textiles, and iron industries by advanced (special-purpose) machines. Later, transportations, communications, and banking systems were improved. The benefits from industrializations are that the good were produced efficiently and effectively, and satisfy bigger number of demand which increased the sales. However, industrialization has a bad sides, the worker lost their jobs, became poor, and instead of that the child under 15 years old were hired to clean the machines in order to decrease the cost of the labor because of the low wages. In addition, industrialization caused Pollution. As a result, made the …show more content…

The Luddism concept is the movement and fighting against replacing the workers by advanced technologies in the manufactories (Jin, 2012). Therefore, it affected the economic situation of the human workers. The naming of Luddite is related to the name of famous boy “Ned Ludd “. Ned Ludd became known because he broke many machines that were doing his tasks in different English villages (McNamara, 2016). We used the name Luddites to represent anyone who dislike the acquiring of the technological devices that replaced the workers and they became a part of Luddite Movement (Luddism,

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