The Pros And Cons Of Iran's Nuclear Weapon

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The most obvious conflict which could occur and force the United States into an unwanted war is an Iranian attack towards Israel. The Iranian Regime and high-ranking Iranian clerics have all called for the destruction of Israel, so if Iran is given the chance, it would not be a shock for attack to occur. In the case of such an attack, the United States would be forced to join the conflict (because we are allies with Israel), and the resulting war would be one of the most dangerous in world history. The United States, Israel, and Iran would all be fighting one another, with each possessing the nuclear capabilities to cause dramatic destruction to each other. Some would argue that Iran is not looking to obtain a nuclear weapon to attack another country, but rather so it is able to protect itself. As Dr. Kenneth N. Waltz said is him paper Why Iran Should Get the Bomb, “If Iran desires nuclear weapons, it is for the purpose of providing for its own security, not to improve its offensive capabilities (or destroy itself).” He continues by arguing that although “Iran's leaders indulge in inflammatory and hateful rhetoric, they show no propensity for self-destruction.”, and therefore would never act in a way that would force them to fight against the United States. If Iran is able to amass a stockpile of nuclear weapons, he argues, they would be too …show more content…

By doing so, we would be able to prevent any possible nuclear attack which could occur, and would be able to have peace of mind knowing that if Iran were to ever attempt to use a nuclear weapon, we would be able to prevent the attack before it happens and prevent anything catastrophic from

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