The Argument Against Japanese-American Internment Of Japanese Americans In 1941

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In my opinion, the internment of Japanese-Americans in 1941 was not only unnecessary for national defense, it was also a racist act. Due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, over 110,000 Japanese Americans were forced by the executive order 9066 to evacuate the west coast, being placed in internment camps. Even though to some measure it is understandable that one may be sceptical after such a traumatic experience takes place, internment camps for innocent men, women and children cannot be justified. A large majority of these Japanese-Americans were forced to stay and withstand immensely difficult living conditions and harsh treatment for two and a half years. Relocation has left many with a sense of shame that continues to live on in our modern day.

During the time of World War ll, it has been confirmed that 10 Americans were convicted of spying on the US for Japan. However, not a one of these people were of Japanese decent. No record shows a single case of Japanese-Americans ever showing a sign of sabotage, …show more content…

As well as the fact that many Japanese held dual citizenship, meaning they were able to travel freely throughout both America and Japan. This worried many officials, leading to the suspicion that Japanese-Americans had been conspiring against the United States from under their very noses, thinking that perhaps maybe the enemy lie in the very grounds of which they slept. Furthermore leading to the legalization of Executive order 9066 by the Supreme Court. It has been pointed out that Japanese-Americans had been singled out and punished due to the fact that they were the only ones among the axis nations that had attacked the United States. Even though no record records that any Japanese-Americans ever rebelled against the United States, during that time no one could be sure, (Point/Counterpoint: The Japanese-American