The Pros And Cons Of MS-13

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MS-13 was founded by Ernesto Miranda in Los Angeles in the 1980s mainly with refuges from El Salvador. The MS abbreviation stands for Mara Salvatrucha, which roughly translates to gang from El-Salvador. The number 13 is a “tribute to another Los Angeles gang called “Los Emes” or the “Ms” (M being the thirteenth letter of alphabet). They have an estimated 10,000 members in United States and over 30,000 worldwide. The gang is known for their noticeable tattoos on visible parts of their body. They are involved in human trafficking from Central America, drug dealing, gun violence and gruesome crimes. They recruit young boys from immigrant communities who are from broken families and vulnerable, through intimidation. MS-13 and the horrific crimes they have committed has become national news and a political hot button. President Trump has blamed US immigration’s inadequate policies as the reason for MS-13 existence. He called out “Unaccompanied Alien Children” policy as a major loop hole in our immigration policy. These are children crossing US border alone and according to US immigration policies are eligible for protection and can apply for asylum, which will provide them with many social benefits. …show more content…

The recent budget negotiations included a promise of future debate on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) by congressional republican leaders. This expiring program was an executive order by President Obama in 2012, to stop immediate deportation of children of those parents who entered the United States illegally. These individuals, numbered around eight hundred thousand (800,000) became eligible for DACA status protection and continuous protection for twelve years, if approved by US Customs and Immigration Services. The President put forward a framework that the immigration reform bill should include to have a chance of his acceptance. The frame work had four sections, which

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