The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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Marijuana or cannabis has many effects some consider them good or bad. In my case I would consider them good and want this plant to be legal because many people consider this plant as a drug and this plant needs some support. This plant that could save people lives is not a drug it’s an herb made into medicine or edibles to help people from stress and diseases. Cannabis has positive reviews on health and can get rid of diseases. Cannabis has been tested on different diseases, sleeping disorders, aches, and pain and eating conditions. The most thing people want gone is cancer and that’s where cannabis comes in because cannabis can kill cancer cells and cure cancer patients. Cannabis can also cure PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is what most U.S veterans have. Stress is something people have and lots of it. Marijuana (cannabis) can relieve you from stress and worries that you have. Medical Marijuana or just regular marijuana can help you relax from any stress you have either if it’s from work or just life. Stress is created or formed by pressure of work or worrying about something. …show more content…

Marijuana is less harmful than tobacco because tobacco can give you lung cancer, mouth cancer, and birth defects. Also tobacco has other things in it like nicotine that can get you addicted to cigarettes. Alcohol can get you drunk and it’s probably not a good thing to get drunk anyways because drinking and driving can and will kill you or another person if you crash. Marijuana can’t kill you or get you drunk but it will give you high in a good way because this high will calm down your nerves and mind from all stress and plus you can get this high as well without smoking it you could also make it into edibles like cakes or cookies or into butter for waffles or