The Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana Introduction: The ongoing debate between the pros and cons of medical marijuana can be backed by facts. However, it is covered up by misrepresentations, misconceptions, and misunderstandings. Often times, when the topic of marijuana is brought up, individuals immediately think of drug addicts and ruined lives. Marijuana has potential positive effects that are often shadowed by the negative effects. The use of medical marijuana continues to be an ongoing controversial topic in today’s society. America is currently in a state of contest with the idea of legalizing the disputed drug. The main issues that are continually brought up include how it affects the body, and how an individual is going to benefit from marijuana use. Statistics …show more content…

Conditions that meet the criteria for the use of this drug include Glaucoma, cachexia, cancer, HIV/AIDS, seizures, severe pain, severe nausea, persistent muscle spasms, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Gunderson, 2015). The suggested point that medicinal marijuana should be used as an alternative to opiates for pain relief is evidenced by the amount of users who become addicted. 9% of regular marijuana users become addicted as opposed to the 26% of opiate users (Gunderson, 2015). When compared to other approved drugs such as painkillers and sleep aids, marijuana displays little to no addictive properties. …show more content…

The debate on whether or not to use marijuana in the medical field has surfaced the issue that denying those suffering from certain diseases is a violation of the natural human rights to a pain-free life. The right to peacefully cope with pain and suffering should not be denied from individuals in need based on a law that exists preventing recreational use. As the argument in support for marijuana use suggests, medical marijuana needs to be given the opportunity for trust in the sociopolitical and legal sphere (Philipsen, Butler, Simon-Waterman, & Artis, 2014). Marijuana should be an accepted method of relief and treatment for those who qualify for it. Moreover, every individual deserves to have a say, enabling them to make choices in regards to their healthcare. However, patients should be guided by a qualified healthcare provider

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