The Pros And Cons Of Members Of The National Rifle Association

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A challenging aspect of today’s society is the need to address stronger gun control possibilities. New gun control bills could easily be placed on the ballots, but questioning the ability to have long term effects if much different. Many gun owners are set in old ways and never want to see the changes that could affect their way of life. Just like many of the members of the National Rifle Association that believe background checks are enough and it should stay that way. Another viewpoint, people believe background checks are insufficient and the government should broaden ways to further secure weapons. The United States continues to research ways to help develop a system to secure the borders of gun violence. Several things that bring doubts …show more content…

Members of the NRA keep a close watch on federal regulations that could impact their way of thinking. One politician that comes to mind is Hillary Clinton, she has been against guns her entire life and has tried tirelessly to ban guns for good. Hillary’s campaign contained information that was very over exaggerated she claimed that a 65% of the deaths by firearms was young children. The National Rifle Association backed these lies with the truth about the situation in Gary Vounge’s (2016) documents, “most deaths was obtained in low-income communities of color. These young adults killed each other not because of social issues, but drugs that destroyed many of the families abroad”(Vounge 14). The NRA’s campaign proves too many groups like Mothers of Murder Offspring (MOMO) that guns themselves is not the entire issue with the killing. The individuals that obtain the firearms have evil thoughts and believe they can change issues on their own. Gary Vounge (2016) states the reality of the situation at hand “ they are not going to do away with guns in this country… The fact is that they are so plentiful on the streets and people have them. It is ludicrous to think taking guns out of people’s homes is possible… It is not going to happen”(Vounge 13). Even with the facts that the NRA has to prove that guns are not the reason for mass killings. Members of the SaferWorld believe seizing all guns …show more content…

When the proper responsibly is used I believe fewer accidents will take place that involves firearms. Responsibly differs between different situations just as described in Phillip Elliot’s (2016) article “ Parents that own firearms should take the responsibility to place the guns in safe places away from a child’s reach. When a parent does not do these things, and tragedy results, the parents must be held accountable under the law…everywhere, no matter what happens. Keeping a gun near ammunition in a house with teenage boys who don’t properly respect firearms. Could be considered criminally reckless and irresponsible; both are deadly accidents waiting to happen”(Elliot 50). Lots of gun owners keep guns lying around the house instead of locking them up in a safe or a place that cannot be accessed by children. If a larger percentage of gun owners took responsibility and understood the consequences that were involved with bad decisions violence rates could be

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