Menlo Park Academy is a chaotic school with no order. The board is made of parents who only want the best for their child. Parents practically run the school and the only students who get the advanced classes are students of parents who fight the school for their child, even if other students are qualified. The school is run by parents, it 's completely chaotic. Menlo Park Academy simply takes the good, gifted from public schools, and hurts the public school system. Of course Menlo’s test scores are high, they have all gifted students. The teachers are a hit or miss, some are really great, and some not so much. Most teachers also play favorites, and make it obvious. There is a ‘dean of students’ (yes, a dean of students in a k-8 school), who play 's obvious favorites, allows his favorites to do anything, while the ones he doesn 't like get punished. …show more content…
One teacher allows certain kids to do whatever they want, the same teacher watches other students like a hawk, yelling at them at everything they do. My younger sister, a student at Menlo, often comes home crying because of bullying. Bullying is not punished. Because Menlo a small school, bullying is a huge problem that seems to be ignored. The dress code is sexist and unfair, girls are called out of class for periods lasting up to 2 hours and told their body is just a distraction, while boys get a minute warning. The dress code, and all other rules for that matter, are either forced not at all, or enforced in an unfair manner. After I wrote letter to administration about this, they ignored my respectful suggestions and never brought