The Pros And Cons Of Natural Body Building

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In our world, there is a love for mythic, larger than life figures. The reason for this or, rather, one reason for this is the fact that if a hero or icon looked too close to the average person, the hero or icon would end up being rejected out of hand by an audience. This is the reason that there are unrealistic expectations for what the physique of an athlete, performer or model must look like. As much as they’d like to try it, natural body building is not an option for many of them, and they end up taking performance enhancing drugs.

Performance Enhancers

Performance or physique enhancing drugs include anabolic steroids or Human Growth Hormone (GHB) products. This can come in oral form, or they can come in an injectable form. These products …show more content…

The problem with performance enhancing drugs is that they can wreak havoc on the body and cause liver damage, heart attacks and premature death. They are not worth the risk, and natural body building remains the only viable …show more content…

A person can look good at 200lbs and does not need to balloon up to 250lbs. So, natural body building remains a wiser option.

The Differences

So what is the main difference between natural body building workouts and non natural body building workouts? As stated before it is duration and frequency. The steroid workout was already explained, now let’s explain the natural one and it’s relation to frequency and duration.

When someone who is a natural body building fan and tries a workout that is a steroid workout, it will lead to over training and injury. A natural workout would probably include training the same body part maybe once a week, hitting the entire body and occasionally hitting the same body part twice a week.

Abs and forearm and calves are an exception, as they can be trained up to four times a week, or even everyday as they are very resistant to growth due to everyday use. Follow this simple plan, and a natural body building regimen will work