The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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ABSTRACT: The original meaning of the word internet has drifted from packet switching infrastructure to anything using it. Net neutrality is an idea derived from how telephone lines have worked since the beginning of the 20th century. The public will continue to be able to view the smallest blog as easily as the largest corporate website. Net neutrality has no technical definition. We summarize the positions of operators, content providers and users. The lack of well defined operator service and non committing contracts generate suspicion and frustration among users. Content providers and operators are reluctant to invest in network upgrades. Managing services by QoS lets users choose their own end to end quality across nets. INTRODUCTION: …show more content…

The neutrality principle did not originate nor is it limited to the internet. Other networks that people use every day rely on this idea. Take, for example, the electric network grid. Net neutrality has shaped the internet in two fundamental ways.  ISPs do not bother with what kind of content is flowing from their servers. This has allowed the internet to grow into a truly global network and has allowed people to freely express themselves. Net neutrality has enabled a level playing field on the internet.  Neutrality towards data and applications has been a key reason for the Internet's success. It has contributed to the Internet's amazingly innovative and democratic nature. Now, let us see in detail about net neutrality. ETHICS OF NET NEUTRALITY: Net neutrality regulations make it illegal for broadband providers to offer “fast lanes" to those who are willing to pay extra. Another ongoing debate about net neutrality is whether pricing of services should be regulated. It seems reasonable to standardize broadband service pricing, but the issue is that it can become extremely complex. Finally, they concluded that it is hard to developed a reasonable pricing system, and those regulations might greatly affect welfare of the economy. It's hard to imagine how complex a pricing mechanism for internet access would be considering the different types of broadband technologies available …show more content…

In March 2015, the TRAI released a formal consultation paper seeking comments from the public. By 24 April 2015, over a million emails had been sent to TRAI demanding net neutrality. To ensure that India doesn’t face such issues in the future, TRAI and the government are looking to clearly define the do's and don’ts. ARGUMENTS FOR NET NEUTRALITY: 1) CONTROL OF DATA: Supporters of net neutrality want to designate cable companies as common carriers, which would require them to allow Internet service providers (ISPs) free access to cable lines, the model used for dial-up Internet. They want to ensure that cable companies cannot screen, interrupt or filter Internet content without court order. Common carrier status would give the FCC the power to enforce net neutrality rules. 2) DIGITAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS: Proponents of net neutrality argue that a neutral net will foster free speech and lead to further democratic participation on the internet. He calls net neutrality the “First Amendment issue of our time.” By ensuring that all people and websites have equal access tso each other, regardless of their ability to pay, proponents of net neutrality wish to prevent the need to pay for speech and the further centralization of media power. ARGUMENTS AGAINST NET

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