The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Fusion

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Everything humanity has ever encountered or done runs on some form of energy. From the smallest of actions to the most powerful of machines, everything needs energy. Humanity fills this need through many ways. There are many ways, such as nuclear fission, spinning a generator from blowing wind, burning ancient organic materials, and even gathering loose electrons from sunlight that hit the Earth. There are many cons to these though, such as efficiency for the wind and solar options, and waste from the nuclear and fossil fuel options. The only other efficient method is to build a Dyson sphere around the sun, but that’s dumb. However, there is another, far superior option: nuclear fusion. The Sun produces near limitless amount of energy from its plasma-filled core, where nuclei collide and release energy. This happens only when the core is incredibly hot, upwards of 15 million degrees Celsius, and …show more content…

No, the process is much more complicated. There are two main methods of getting energy from nuclear fusion that exist on Earth: magnetic confinement and inertial confinement. The first method, magnetic confinement, also goes by the Russian name “Tokamak.” The way magnetic confinement works is a plasma current is sent through two magnetic fields that pressurize it, causing nuclei to compact and fuse, releasing. The best example of one of these is the ITER reactor in France. The second method is when a hohlraum (a small metal dish that has radiative equilibrium) that contains is blasted from the top and bottom by super powered infrared and ultraviolet lasers respectively. The lasers heat the surface of the pellet, causing it to implode and radiate raw, clean energy. The most powerful inertial confinement reactor is the National Ignition Facility in the

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