The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Power

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Nearly 75 years ago, man split the atom and ushered in an entirely new future for humans and globally, nuclear power has had a positive and negative impact on society. As the demand for electricity increased during the 20th century, nuclear energy provided a cleaner and cheaper resource as well as resulting in a positive impact on society by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing air pollution related deaths. Nuclear energy is the world's largest source of emission-free energy and has more energy than any other fuels on earth in limited space and amount. Nuclear power plants are capable of providing larger amount of energy in a minimum amount of space. As the scientist at The Nuclear Fuel Cycle wrote: “Typically, some 44 million …show more content…

In present, nuclear material has been used rapidly for providing electricity, but not that while ago they were used as weapons and in huge quantity of ballistic missiles, that if used in a war it could extinct human race from planet Earth. Radiation causing cancer from nuclear waste and meltdowns is one of the fear the people have, especially after the Chernobyl disaster. As Petit argues that nuclear energy is inferior by saying: “Nuclear certainly has problems, accidents, waste storage, high construction and maintenance costs and the possible use of the nuclear fuel for weapons.”(Petit). There are always chances of meltdown, but after seeing the damage a meltdown has surprised humans. Although after seeing three serious accidents the Chernobyl disaster (1986), the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011), and the Three Mile Island accident (1979).These all resulted into meltdowns due to human error and natural disaster. Safety precautions are taken and notice is given its IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency), if a power plant is in threatening state as Gaplarin explains the one of the ideas that could be taken place in an emergency : "The Plant can be mothballed, in which limited decontamination carried out and the plant is dosed and kept under guard” (50). One of the most tragic accident is the Chernobyl nuclear accident. This is a situation that no one really wants to be in. The Fukushima power plant meltdown has …show more content…

Karsan describes the effects of reduction in CO2: "Nuclear turns out to be five times safer than oil ten times safer than gas and 100 times safer than hydro-electric dams. According to World Health organization, worldwide fossil fuel pollution is responsible for three million deaths per year" (19). Respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer has been affecting to many people, mostly in the metropolitan cities where lots of fossil fuel is burnt, which produces CO2 in huge amount which is not healthy for breathing purposes. After beginning the use of nuclear power plant and stopping the fossil fuel plants the pollution has reduced and the rate of the deaths occurring because of respiratory system has decreased in some part of the world, which use nuclear power, due to its expenses only 33 countries have been successful in building nuclear power plants which has helped to save thousands of lives and while accommodate to reduce air

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