The Pros And Cons Of Open Adoption

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Introduction Pregnancy is never easy even under the best circumstances, but when the pregnancy is unwanted it can make life feel overwhelming. While we are all taught ways to prevent pregnancy in health class, there are situations that can cause a woman to become pregnant. These situations could include pressure from her partner to not use protection, religious or parental restrictions against the use of birth control, and the embarrassment some sexually active people feel when purchasing condoms. When an unwanted pregnancy occurs there are some options for women who find themselves unexpectedly expecting, they can put the child up for adoption, they may choose to have and abortion, or they can keep the baby.
Ways to Prevent Pregnancy …show more content…

If she feels like she cannot properly care of a child at her current point in life she may make the decision to place the baby up for adoption. In an adoption a legal procedure, responsibility for child transferred from natural parents to adopting parents, regulated by Adoption Act 2002. ( there are two different forms of adoption a birth mother can choose from, an open or closed adoption. An open adoption” refers to the sharing of information and/or contacts between the adoptive and biological parents of an adopted child, before and/or after the placement of the child, and perhaps continuing for the life of the child.”(Berry.M, 2013). A closed adoption is the process where no information is shared between the birth parents and adoptive parents. In closed adoptions all records are sealed once the adoption is finalized ( Adoption in any form can be a hard to decision to make, but for some women it is the only …show more content…

The "abortion pill," the drug RU-486 (mifepristone), was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States in 2000. It is used within the first seven weeks of pregnancy. A second drug is taken two days later to start uterine contractions and complete the abortion” (The ColumbiaEncyclopedia, 2015). Abortion can have very damaging effects for any woman who decides to have to the procedure performed. Emotionally women can feel relief, but more seriously depression can develop from the regret she may feel. The possible physical effects from an abortion can range from abdominal pain to nausea and vomiting. More serious effects can occur such as scarring, damage to the uterus, sepsis and death. ( Any woman considering this option should not make the decision