
The Pros And Cons Of Open Carry Law

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I feel that open carry law is bad news for Texas but of course, it has its advantages and disadvantages. I will only be elaborating on the disadvantages. My first reason would be that open carry makes you the primary target for anyone intending to do a crime. Second is that a person could just carry a firearm was not knowing whether or not if they know how or when to use it. Third is that it could lead to a variety of unfortunate incidents. If you are the only Person visibly armed and a criminal has his or her mind on committing a crime you will be the first target. My point of view on this is that the criminal may feel threatened when he or she knows they will not be able to commit their crime if they don't take out the person with the gun. Also, the criminal may feel threatened, so the obvious choice in their mind is to take you out and I don't mean out to eat. …show more content…

And when they do it might be for the wrong reason, for instance, the incident with Travon Martin and George Zimmerman he obviously didn't know how to use a gun and, in the end, he killed an innocent black teen. And there are many more cases just like the previous one I described but I think that there should be classes that will show people how and when to use their guns. Open carry law could lead to a variety of unfortunate incidents. It is simple math that the more weapons that are being carried in any given area, more accidents will happen. So in this part of my essay, I will just name a few incidents that have happened due to open carry law in

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