The Pros And Cons Of Open Carry

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The question is starting to become more popular as time goes on: Should states allow their citizens to be able to openly carry a firearm without a concealment license? Thirty-one states out of all of the states in the U.S. allow open carry which may be a growing number in the upcoming year (Molla). The rest of the states have make it to where their citizens have to have a concealed handgun license in order to carry a firearm (Molla). The pros and cons of open carry weigh in relatively even which leaves it up to us to make our own opinion about what we believe is right is open carry good or bad? The idea for people to openly carry firearms is that it will keep people safe from harm or getting robbed because the person can put it anywhere in plain sight and show others that they are armed. When a robber sees that their target is armed, they are least …show more content…

People that carry their firearms with concealment and hide it do so because they feel that” if a bad guy walks into the store that they are in and tries to rob it, they will surprise him more than someone that has a firearm attached to their hip” (“Why I Will Never Open…”). If a bad guy were to walk in a store where there was a person with a hidden weapon and a person with a weapon on their hip, most people believe that the robber is going to shoot the guy with his gun in plain sight because he is the biggest obstacle. That would leave the guy with the hidden weapon open to draw his weapon and take out the bad guy and saving another person from being injured. “When Lauren Cutilletta, senior staff attorney at the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence was asked why open carry was such a big deal when concealed carry is so widespread, she answered “you don’t know who is carrying a gun with concealment and you do know who is carrying one with open carry” (Map: Where is ‘Open Carry’

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