
The Pros And Cons Of Our Criminal Justice System

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Our criminal justice system should have more safeguard’s to prevent innocent people from wrongful death sentencing. People should be against death sentencing because there are lots of reasons innocent people get the death sentencing. How will having more safeguards to help prevent innocent people from the death sentence., How can we better our criminal justice system? The advantages of our criminal justice system., and The disadvantages of our criminal justice system. There are lots of reasons innocent people get the death sentence. From forensic misconduct to coercing fake confessions. The biggest reason in my mind is racism. For example “If your black you stand a higher chance of getting the death penalty, especially if your victim is white.” (Cohen) Some people actually agree with the fact that blacks should get longer death sentences for killing whites …show more content…

For example James Bain spent 35 years in prision for breaking and entering, kidnapping and rape. After thouse 35 years he was proven innocent. When he was released he was given $1.7 million dollors. Which for someone starting out from scrach it does not last long. There are so many advantiages of our crimminal justice system. The biggest advantage is no matter what race or religion you are you have the right to an atttorney. Now attorneys can be very exspensive. But our crimminal justice system is so awsome that if you can afford a attorney they will provide one for you. Now it might not be the best attorney but at least its an attorney. One major advantage is the right to a speed trial which can be waved for more time. Another semi-advantage is the right to appeal your conviction. So if you had to go to jail for illegal drugs. And they sentinsed you to life in prision. You have the right to appeal your convection now the court might not appeal it but its worth the

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