The Pros And Cons Of Ownership Of Tidal Power Plants

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When building a tidal power plant the estimated startup cost is anywhere from $66 million dollars to $15 billion dollars. Many machines are required to run together to produce enough energy for a power block. The machinery also needs to be built to withstand the corrosion of salt water or to be able to have parts replaced as they start to deteriorate. The tidal energy output is only 40% of the installed generating capacity, therefore there need to be other sources or a way to contain the energy that is being produced so that in the down time, or when energy is not being produced there will be back up to continue providing enough energy. Tidal power is also site-specific, which would require the use of lengthy transmission lines to carry the …show more content…

According to the Freedom of the Seas Doctrine that has been in place since the first ship sailed the ocean, the people own the oceans all of us. (Who owns the oceans? - HowStuffWorks:, 2008) In this doctrine, the three-mile buffer of the ocean that is connected to a coastal shore is given to the coastal towns. The remaining water were to be shared by all nations for trade and commerce. So the question is who has final ownership of these plants once they are put into place. According to the Freedom of the Seas Doctrine, the plants would be owned by the company building them but the land would be owned by the coastal town in which the land surrounds. This would be like mineral rights while I may own the mineral rights and the land a company can come in and dig a well if I choose to allow them to, they then have to pay me so much per barrel of crude that is pumped out of my ground to compensate me for owning the land that they are …show more content…

The smart grid is a form of technology that uses digital to control the reliability, resiliency, flexibility, and efficiency of the energy that we use now. The smart grid is a computer-based system that would automate and control the process of electricity to homes and businesses. This system would include a two-way communication system that would gather data that would allow the technology to control and adjust each individual device or millions of devices on the system. This technology would allow all appliances and energy users in homes and business to be supplied with a sensor that would show what it being used and what is not being used. The smart grid would then allow the computer systems to power down or reduce the supply of electricity to areas that there is not a need at the given time. For instance, if you are at work and your phones, computers, coffee pot and toaster are all plugged in at home there is really no need for them to be using energy. The smart grid would allow the system to power down the flow of energy to these items until they are in use again. This would cut back on the wasted energy in many homes and businesses. The smart grid would decrease blackouts and surges as the smart grid would smooth out the flow of power and when the blackouts and surges occur they are dealt with more quickly and easily. The smart grid would also lower energy costs as you are better able to

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